Baby argus monitor for sale
Baby argus monitor for sale

Mammals: Prevost's squirrel, Hoffman’s two-toed sloth, Brazilian porcupine, black-tailed prairie dog, red-rumped agouti, long-nosed armadillo, pronghorn family (Antilocapridae), mountain beaver (Aplodontiidae), bovids, canids, beavers, cervids, elephants, Equidae, felids, giraffe, hippo, hyena and aardwolf, Macropods (kangaroo, wallaby), mustelids, walrus, eared and true seals, rhino, pigs, tapirs, viverrids, crested porcupine, gray short-tailed opossum, cetacea, bats, primates, sea cows, aardvark, kinkajou, Southern tamandua, Asiatic linsangs.Birds: burrowing parrot, laughing kookaburra, Austral parakeet, slender-billed parakeet, Anatidae, hornbills (Bucerotidae), cassowary, emu, storks, pigeons, doves, rollers, crow family (Corvidae), chachalaca, guan, curassow, cranes, turacos, pheasant family (Phasianidae), flamingos, trumpeters, toucan, penguin, New Zealand parrot family (Strigopidae), starlings, bearded barbet, birds of prey, shorebirds (Charadriiformes), bustards, pelican family (Pelecaniformes), owls, ostrich.Amphibians (captive-bred): Western dwarf clawed frog, golden mantella, Bernhard’s mantella, yellow mantella, green mantella, African clawed frog.


  • Category 1 (US or state threatened and endangered species, CITES Appendix I, IUCN Endangered, Critically Endangered or Extinct in the Wild, harbors agents substantially harmful to humans, livestock and native wildlife, USFWS Injurious Species, could survive in Maine, cause serious bodily injury, and housing and care requires professional facility) - Must be exhibitor, rehabilitator, laboratory, research.
  • Restricted (PERMIT required to possess, import, exhibit, propagate, or rehabilitate).
  • Prohibited (BANNED except research if significant public benefit).
  • baby argus monitor for sale

    Unrestricted(No importation, exhibition, propagation, research or possession permit required).Maine classifies all wildlife in captivity except fish as either unregulated, prohibited or restricted. 7 Rules for Importation, Possession, Propagation, Rehabilitation, and Exhibition of Wildlife

    Baby argus monitor for sale